Oh, Jamie. What a dream you are! That hair (ALL that hair), that cute face and that porcelain skin! GAH!
Jamie is the fourth child of this wonderfully kind family. He has three older siblings who doted on him throughout the session. I really enjoy photographing big families together, likely because my own family is big! I KNOW and love the chaos of a big family.
Being a photographer and choosing favorite images is like telling your kid which one is really your favorite- you can’t do that!! In this session, I had so many favorites that I honestly couldn’t choose. I love the images with mom and baby. She was rightfully anxious about someone coming IN to her house so soon after giving birth, but soon felt relaxed about it. Capturing the moments in front of the changing table that you spend so many hours in front of, won’t matter today, but in 10 years, it will.
These images look like they’re done in a studio, right?! Well, they’re not. They’re done on the floor of this couples master bedroom! I bring the best of both worlds, studio and lifestyle sessions, to you! I mean you just had a baby, who wants to pack up and leave their house with a newborn plus multiple children?! Not me sister.
While in your home, I will look for interesting places in your home to shoot. It will add variety and get the other children distracted while the baby gets changed or nurses.
Okay, yes, this one is my favorite. There, I’ve said it. I think like a mom. If I were getting newborn pictures done in my home what is the one photo, I would love to have. This would be it.
But then again, I am a sucker for details, so I honestly can’t choose. But y’all look at that baby hair! It’s the hair of my balding dad’s DREAMS! I mean seriously and yes, it had all that delish newborn smell in it. Not that I know, okay yes, I do.
These four were hilarious, kind, warm, beautiful and so much love between them. It was magical, I swear.
Okay, not every moment was magical, but even the crying is something you want to capture for the future. Think about your kid now calling you BRAH instead of Mom, think back to that newborn cry. Can you see it?! Would you want to go back and look at it one more time? Yes, me too. Me. Too.
If you’re looking to book a lifestyle newborn session you can do that by clicking here! A sincere thank you to Jamie and his family. I honestly can’t wait to photograph him and his family as they grow.
:: Molly