
Three Sweet Girls (Hanahan and Charleston Children’s Photographer)

I first talked to this mom shortly after she had been blessed with these two sweet babies. I was thrilled when we finally were able to meet and capture all her girls! They are the nicest, sweetest babies ever. Their hair? Ugh, so adorable.

These babies are so lucky to have such a helpful and adoring big sister. You can see how much they love her already!

For those moms who think that their children won’t behave, or will not sit and smile for the camera, well, they won’t. I promise you that. However, to me and to their mom, this next picture was one of our favorites. Babies cry, it’s a fact of life and sometimes when it’s captured in years to come, even moments after, you will smile remembering that they were little once.

Thank you so much, Faith and to those beautiful girls!

:: Mo

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Mo Jones Photography