
Carson's No Boys Allowed Session | Children's Photographer Charleston

This is my darling baby girl, Carson Caroline. She is the most gentle, sweet kind soul ever to walk through my life and I am so grateful for her. Children & Family Photographer Charleston, SC

She is at the age, now 3, where she can handle a session all of her own. We have been talking about it for awhile. I decided that we were going to go for it. I woke her up and asked her if she would like to go take pictures with me. She jumped up, “YES!” Then quickly added, “NO BOYS ALLOWED!!!” I assured her this session was JUST about her and FOR her. She was so excited.

Children & Family Photographer Charleston, SC

We headed downtown Charleston on a very chilly day. She was a pro. She pushed through the cold to give me some of my favorite images of her. Heck, some of my favorite images I’ve ever taken.

Oh, and this is “Baby” her American Girl Bitty Baby. She has had this doll since she was 1 and takes her almost everywhere. I thought it was fitting to get some images of them together.

Children & Family Photographer Charleston, SC

Children & Family Photographer Charleston, SC

Children & Family Photographer Charleston, SC

Children & Family Photographer Charleston, SC

I hope you enjoyed this little feature about my girl, Carson. She’s as sweet as they come!

:: Mo

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Mo Jones Photography