

I'm glad you're here

I'm Molly "Mo" Jones, the photographer. Whether you're looking for your next photographer or just passing through, I hope you like what you see! My photography is my passion- I love the moments preserved. Enjoy yourself and if I can answer any questions, reach out to me!

Fantastic Finley | Charleston Family & Children Photographer

Oh, Finley. Y’all this girl had me wrapped right around her little bitty finger. You may remember her from her Fresh 48 session. She was a dream from the moment she graced us with her presence. Times have not changed. She was the friendliest, smiliest, nicest baby ever! I just love these sitter sessions. The session you have when the baby can sit up unassisted, but they can’t quite crawl yet. Oh so, SO cute!

Her Momma is anxiously waiting these and already planning a beach session in a few months! Y’all are going to want to stay tuned for that- I promise you. Cuteness overload!

:: Mo

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Maher Family | Isle of Palms & Kiawah Family Beach Photographer

Spring has sprung in Charleston this week! We have enjoyed some beach sessions and I’m ready for beach sessions to resume again. My schedule is starting to fill for the summer and I can’t wait. To kick off the beach season, it’s my honor to introduce you to the Maher family. I meet them for one of my closing beach sessions last year. They rounded out my final months and fitting to help me kick of this year! They were so incredibly warm and kind. I so enjoyed being around them and just observing their family interactions. They were so funny to one another and the parents were so laid back. This gave their children a confidence that was easy to witness. I just loved so many from this session.

:: MO

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Hollifield | Isle of Palms Maternity Photographer

It’s basically a crap shoot when you decide you want beach pictures in January. However, the Hollifield’s are basically the luckiest people. Warm, no wind, and an amazing sunset that just happened to matched her dress perfectly. No editing needed for that sunset! I promised myself I wasn’t going to do sneak peeks anymore, but this? I just had to. These soon-to-be parents were the nicest people ever! I can’t wait to show you more from this session. Seriously, it’s all amazing.

:: Mo

Charleston Maternity PhotographerCharleston Maternity PhotographerCharleston Maternity Photographer

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Thomas Extended Family | Kiawah Island Family Beach Photographer

Yes, it’s January and I’m just now blogging this amazing family. I held it on purpose. It’s January and it’s cold (it even snowed here last week) and I’m dreaming of beach days. I know myself and I know this feeling would come. So, I’m posting an amazing beach session now. Humor me, people.

I went to Kiawah on a gorgeous night to meet this amazing family. I walked in their house on the golf course and was blown away by the love that they have for each other. It was noticeable in the first few moments. I knew this would be a great session. We started at the golf course out back and then walked to the beach. This family talked and laughed and I had the best time with them. The two little boys I’m about to grace your eyes with were the nicest little people and SO cute! Here are a few of my favorites from their sessions. Hurry up warm weather, the beach is calling me!

:: Mo

Kiawah Family Beach PhotographerKiawah Family Beach PhotographerKiawah Family Beach PhotographerKiawah Family Beach PhotographerKiawah Family Beach PhotographerKiawah Family Beach PhotographerKiawah Family Beach PhotographerKiawah Family Beach PhotographerKiawah Family Beach PhotographerKiawah Family Beach PhotographerKiawah Family Beach PhotographerKiawah Family Beach Photographer

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Hello. My name is Adalyn. | Huntsville Newborn Photographer

Y’all. I can’t EVEN with this one. She had my heart from the moment I held her. Like getting all misty just by looking at her. At 41 weeks, she broke my record of all my clients going 3+ weeks early. She was SO worth the wait. She was awake during the entire session, which was fine by me! She was calm, inquisitive and absolutely perfect! I just love this family and we are already planning their next session. It may or may not include this little bitty and a very cool classic car. I’ll keep you posted on that one. Anyway, back to this amazing in home newborn lifestyle session. It was a good one!

:: MO

Huntsville Newborn PhotographerHuntsville Newborn PhotographerHuntsville Newborn PhotographerHuntsville Newborn PhotographerHuntsville Newborn PhotographerHuntsville Newborn PhotographerHuntsville Newborn PhotographerHuntsville Newborn PhotographerHuntsville Newborn PhotographerHuntsville Newborn PhotographerHuntsville Newborn PhotographerHuntsville Newborn Photographer

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Mo Jones Photography