

I'm glad you're here

I'm Molly "Mo" Jones, the photographer. Whether you're looking for your next photographer or just passing through, I hope you like what you see! My photography is my passion- I love the moments preserved. Enjoy yourself and if I can answer any questions, reach out to me!

Twin Maternity Photographer | Huntsville, Alabama

One of the fun parts of being a photographer is that you get to meet new people and by the end of the session, you feel like friends. This is particularly important when you are hired to photograph a couples’ journey to parenthood. In this case, I am hired to photograph their maternity, fresh 48 and lifestyle newborn. So I meet them three separate times over the course of the 9 months. Each of those sessions, I am allowed to photograph them at a very intimate and vulnerable time of their life. It is important for my clients to be comfortable around me. I tend to walk away from the session feeling like we are friends. I absolutely felt this way with Matt and Aileen. I came home from this session and my husband asked, “how was your session?” I said, “It was great! We are totally friends.”

I am honored to be able to photograph Matt & Aileen’s journey to becoming the parents of twins. Stay tuned for their fresh 48!

:: Mo

Maternity Photographer Huntsville, Alabama

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Welcome, Kellan! | Huntsville Fresh 48 Newborn Photographer

I have said before that Fresh 48 sessions are my favorite sessions. I am saying it again. They’re my favorite!

Fresh 48 sessions are taken at the hospital within the first 48 hours after the baby arrives. They are so amazing! That first 48 hours is such a precious time. You are getting to know that little person that you have waited so long to meet. All the newness of being a parent is contained in that room for a little over 48 hours. From the call buttons, to the ID bracelets to the standard stripes on the newborn blankets- you will want to remember those details. The awe of the nurses ability to swaddle or that moment when you realize that yes, the baby is going to be up all night long. It’s the safe spot just before you go home.

If you’re considering it, do it. You’ll cherish the images one day, I promise.

:: MO

Fresh 48 Newborn Photography Huntsville AlabamaFresh 48 Newborn Photography Huntsville AlabamaFresh 48 Newborn Photography Huntsville AlabamaFresh 48 Newborn Photography Huntsville AlabamaFresh 48 Newborn Photography Huntsville AlabamaFresh 48 Newborn Photography Huntsville AlabamaFresh 48 Newborn Photography Huntsville AlabamaFresh 48 Newborn Photography Huntsville AlabamaFresh 48 Newborn Photography Huntsville AlabamaFirst time Grandparents! The cutest with their excitement!!!

Fresh 48 Newborn Photography Huntsville AlabamaFresh 48 Newborn Photography Huntsville AlabamaFresh 48 Newborn Photography Huntsville Alabama

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Baby Daly & Family | Huntsville Maternity Photographer

I am thrilled to show you all this maternity session with the Daly family! They are about to welcome their fourth child. Cori had never had maternity portraits with any of her older children. I think it’s a beautiful memory to look back on one day. I think we were both a little concerned about having a session in the mountains in the winter months, but it worked out! We had the most beautiful day! I had the best time with this amazing family and I can’t wait to photograph the new baby during her Fresh 48 session!

:: Mo

Maternity Photographer Huntsville, AlabamaMaternity Photographer Huntsville, AlabamaMaternity Photographer Huntsville, AlabamaMaternity Photographer Huntsville, AlabamaMaternity Photographer Huntsville, AlabamaMaternity Photographer Huntsville, AlabamaMaternity Photographer Huntsville, Alabama

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Isaac & Family | Hampton Cove Newborn Photographer

I firmly believe that God puts people in your life for a reason. God definitely put this family into my life and I am happy He did. Since we moved to Huntsville, we have really gotten to know this family well. We are in the same church small group and Brint and I volunteer on the same church committee! To be able to photograph their family at their home was such an honor! I just enjoy this family so much! They are so kind, generous and gracious. They remind me so much me my family when we had a house full of little kids AND a baby! I look at them and just have to smile. It’s a nice reminder for me personally to see how far my own little family has come, and to be able to reassure them that it does get easier and you do eventually get to sleep!

I am so thankful for this family and their friendship in our lives!

:: MO

Huntsville Newborn PhotographerHuntsville Newborn PhotographerHuntsville Newborn PhotographerHuntsville Newborn PhotographerHuntsville Newborn PhotographerHuntsville Newborn PhotographerHuntsville Newborn PhotographerHuntsville Newborn PhotographerHuntsville Newborn PhotographerHuntsville Newborn Photographer

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Aileen & the Twins Sneak Peek | Huntsville Maternity Photographer

It’s pretty typical to photograph maternity clients anywhere from 34-38 weeks. You want that nice full, round belly. Unless you are having TWINS. Then you typically photograph right around the 7 month mark, maybe a bit before. That being because twins are likely to be born a bit early and so the mom isn’t so far long she is uncomfortable. When Aileen reached out, we knew that this week would be the perfect time to photograph her. Her belly is round and beautiful, but she’s not quite to the uncomfortable stage yet. She still has bit to go!

Enjoy your sneak peek! I can’t wait to show you so many more from this amazing maternity session!

:: Mo

win Maternity Photographer Huntsville Alabamawin Maternity Photographer Huntsville AlabamaTwin Maternity Photographer Huntsville Alabama

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Mo Jones Photography