

I'm glad you're here

I'm Molly "Mo" Jones, the photographer. Whether you're looking for your next photographer or just passing through, I hope you like what you see! My photography is my passion- I love the moments preserved. Enjoy yourself and if I can answer any questions, reach out to me!

Now Booking 2021!

I’m now booking 2021 maternity, newborn and family sessions. I can’t wait to meet you!


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Waldrop Family Session | Huntsville Family and Senior Photographer

There is an art to photographing teenagers. Some love it (girls) and others not so much (boys). Mom’s! It is still important to fight that fight and get that family session done even with teenagers! Just when you thought it would be easier when those toddlers grew up. NOPE! But like when they were toddlers, it’s worth it! The boys in the Waldrop family were so nice and I laughed so much during our session. They didn’t think I was as funny as I did, but they were as kind as they were tall. There were so many of my favorites from this session, but here are a few!

It’s time to schedule those beautiful spring sessions! Reach out to me here!

:: MollyHuntsville Family PhotographerHuntsville Family PhotographerHuntsville Family PhotographerHuntsville Family PhotographerHuntsville Family PhotographerHuntsville Family PhotographerHuntsville Family PhotographerHuntsville Family PhotographerHuntsville Family PhotographerHuntsville Family Photographer

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Huntsville Family and Children’s Photographer | Badgley Family

Huntsville is booming right now! There are so many exciting opportunities coming to our town and it’s so exciting. I have been meeting new clients who have recently moved here from other states and really want to photograph their family and capture their new town! Photographing downtown Huntsville is one of my favorite things to do.

The Badgley family moved to Huntsville from California. They love it here and I am so glad. They are the nicest and most laid back family. I really loved spending time with this family! They even brought their dog, which I love so much! When taking family photos, yes, bring the entire family! There were so many favorites from this session, but here are just a few of my favorites

Family and Children Photographer Huntsville AlabamaFamily and Children Photographer Huntsville AlabamaFamily and Children Photographer Huntsville AlabamaFamily and Children Photographer Huntsville AlabamaFamily and Children Photographer Huntsville AlabamaFamily and Children Photographer Huntsville AlabamaFamily and Children Photographer Huntsville Alabama

Thank you so much to the Badgley’s and welcome to Alabama!

:: Molly

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Welcome Sweet Grace! Huntsville Newborn Photographer

A lifestyle newborn session is done anywhere from the first days to the first weeks that the baby is home. It is such a gift to be able to enter clients’ homes and photograph their lives at that moment. I always feel like I’m entering a special place. I document all the little details that the parents will forget as they get older. I enjoy the details of the feet, what they look like when they cry, and the swirl in the hair. All these features change so fast! Grace was welcomed home by her very easy going, underwhelmed parents. You wouldn’t know this was their first child! They were so excited to have Grace and it overpowered their lack of sleep! My favorite part of the session when Grace’s dad offered me some coffee. As I turned to him, I saw he was drinking out of a DAD mug. He couldn’t have been more proud. I laughed and had to photograph that moment. You can just see DAD in his eyes. He also cracked a few “dad” jokes. My time spent with Grace’s family was an absolute pleasure. I love when I end a session and think, yep, we could be friends.

:: MoHuntsville Newborn PhotographerHuntsville Newborn PhotographerHuntsville Newborn PhotographerHuntsville Newborn PhotographerHuntsville Newborn PhotographerHuntsville Newborn PhotographerHuntsville Newborn PhotographerHuntsville Newborn PhotographerHuntsville Newborn PhotographerHuntsville Newborn Photographer

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Conner Family | Huntsville Family and Child Photographer

I would say for a good majority of my sessions clients ask for ideas for what they should wear. I typically send people to my What to Wear board on Pinterest.. However, this family arrived as if they WERE the Pinterest pin. I mean their outfits were absolutely ON POINT.  Coordinated, but not necessarily matching.   It was hard to choose which portraits to put on the blog because they’re all that good.  Here are some of my favorites!

Huntsville Family and Child Photographer Huntsville Alabama

Now, y’all prepare yourself for this next one. I mean, this little girl is stunning. Those eyes! The sweetest thing too! I mean she makes my heart ache from her cuteness!
Huntsville Family and Child Photographer Huntsville Alabama Now her big sister is equally as breathtaking. That hair! Oh my! Huntsville Family and Child Photographer Huntsville AlabamaHuntsville Family and Child Photographer Huntsville Alabama
Huntsville Family and Child Photographer Huntsville Alabama
Huntsville Family and Child Photographer Huntsville AlabamaHuntsville Family and Child Photographer Huntsville Alabama

A special thank you to the Conner family, who braved a cold and windy day with me!

Have you booked your family session yet?  Click here to reach out.

::  Molly

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Mo Jones Photography