This is post is something that I’ve wanted to say for many years. Just hear me out on this. I’ve been a photographer for over 10 years now. Each year, right around mid-October I get a TON of inquiries for “fall sessions” or “Christmas Card Photos”. For every photographer, I compare it to accountants tax season. We are BUSY. I am a mom of four children so I get it. I do. I don’t even consider family sessions until my husband asks if we’re sending out holiday cards for Christmas or not. Then I FREAK out and try to scramble to find a recent cute picture of all of us, then I realize I don’t have one and then think I need a family session STAT.
Let’s be honest here- this is my last family picture where I was in it. Yes, I take family portraits of my own family, but if you looked at them I don’t exist apparently. I’m behind the camera, never in front. This was three years ago. THREE. I’m a Mom too. I am with you in solidarity. (photo credit: Carolina Photosmith)
5 reasons Why You Should Take Your Christmas Card Portraits in the Spring!
Reason #1: Timeline– Okay, bare with me on this one it’s going to be tedious, but my point will get across. We are going to work backwards. Let’s say you would like to get your holiday cards to arrive at your loved ones homes just before Christmas, say December 15th. Now moving backwards- It’ll take about 2-5 days in the mail to arrive to your loved ones from the time it leaves your mailbox. Then it’ll take you about 10 days to actually address them and get them in the mail. If you’re a mom and this is YOUR busy season, give yourself 15 days realistically. Now it’s around December 1st. It typically takes a week to get them shipped to you from your printer, which makes the timeline Thanksgiving. It takes about a week for the company to process and print your order (prior to actually shipping them)- now you’re in early November. It’ll take you about 2 weeks to find the time to sit down and upload your images and actually pick one you like and place the order. Again, you’re a busy person. So now you’re realistically towards mid-to-end of October. Now, you’re competing with your photographers other clients, who are all now wanting that fall session. So you’ll have to get a later date than you wanted. If you do, it’ll take average of 3 weeks to get them back to you, maybe longer (remember it’s your photographers busy season), now you’re looking at September at the latest to start this process. So honestly, last minute to get your family session done would be early September.

Reason #2: Weather– I’ve heard I want to get fall pictures for the cooler weather. I want us to wear sweaters in our cards! I find this puzzling too. I’m located in the South. Typically, we get our “fall weather” about February or March. Many parts of the country are so jealous of our warm weather they’re moving here! Embrace it! Get that sleeveless dress out and slap it on a Christmas card and rub the warm weather in their faces! Love where you live!

Reason #3: Growing Up– Realistically, your children aren’t going to grow all that much, unless you have a baby or toddler, from the time of your pictures to the holiday card delivery. Aunt Susan, who you haven’t seen in awhile, isn’t going to notice if your kid is an inch taller in the photo or not. If you have your session in let’s say, April, when the leaves are full, the weather is perfect and your Southern outfit is on point, by December, your kids will not have changed enough to warrant waiting until a month before to take the pictures. No one will notice, believe me. If you have really young children, September is your ideal time.

Reason #4: Football– again if you are in the South you KNOW college football is life here. Why put added stress on your marriage by not only asking your husband to participate in a photography session, but do it on game day because that is the only date they have left on their books! This is just plain crazy people! Your husband will be more likely to smile and be patient for the session if the game doesn’t start in a few hours. Don’t punish yourselves ladies! Work smarter, not harder!

Reason #5: Being a Mom during holiday season craziness. Look, let’s be honest. A mother’s schedule and to do list goes absolutely bonkers starting about mid-October. This is when our DNA kicks in and we yell PUMPKIN SPICE, PUMPKIN PATCH, but then we say oh no and here comes all the other things to quickly follow- field trips for school, Halloween costumes, fall break, Thanksgiving dinner, in-law visits, birthday parties, Christmas shopping for everyone including the dog walker! It’s INSANE. Why in the world you’d want to add something like a family session during this time baffles me. Yes, let’s find coordinating outfits for the entire family, hire/schedule a photographer during the ONE off weekend for college football, pray we don’t have a heatwave and head out just before Christmas! Stop the madness, Ladies!

As a professional photographer please take my advice this year, schedule your holiday cards earlier in the year. Spring in Alabama is breathtaking. If you have a small child where there will be a big change in their looks – get on your photographers books for early September at the latest. You’ll need to email them to schedule in July. Trust me, I’m a photographer and most importantly a Mom of 4 kids.
Oh and you’re welcome for this life hack. To book your spring family session for Christmas cards, reach out to me here. If you’re type A like me and have young children, I am available to book up to a year in advance too. Go ahead and schedule that fall session.
:: Molly