

I'm glad you're here

I'm Molly "Mo" Jones, the photographer. Whether you're looking for your next photographer or just passing through, I hope you like what you see! My photography is my passion- I love the moments preserved. Enjoy yourself and if I can answer any questions, reach out to me!

This is George… | Huntsville Child and Family Photographer

Yes, I did it. This is George. One of my favorite boy names of all time and this George lived up to it’s coolness in every way. He was adorable, fun, gentle, and worked my camera from frame one. I could have just swooped him up and took him home. His mom and his Aunt, who was visiting from another state, thought that a cousin portrait session would be a fun thing to do while they were all together. I couldn’t have agreed more! I promised a sneak peek of the cousins before Aunt left town. I can not wait to show you this session. It was quick, fun and my goodness the adorableness was off the charts! Bring me all the toddlers, STAT!!

:: MO

Child and Family Photographer Huntsville AlabamaChild and Family Photographer Huntsville AlabamaChild and Family Photographer Huntsville AlabamaYes, her eyes are that piercing blue, no editing needed! WOW. Child and Family Photographer Huntsville Alabama

Book your child’s portrait session by clicking here!

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Rogers Sneak Peek | Huntsville Outdoor Newborn Photographer

I kept telling these clients that their session was alike a dream. A VERY GOOD DREAM. The light was just perfect, the family was stunning – so unbelievably kind and that baby? Y’all he was an angel through it all. I’m not going to lie, it was hot- Alabama hot, bugs were out and we could hear a storm brewing. Did it bother that baby? Not one minute. He was perfectly content with his family and his amazing big sister near. I had to post a sneak for his Momma. She asked for one shot. One that she admired that’s all she wanted. I didn’t think we got it due to the storm, but WE GOT IT!!! It’s stunning! I can’t wait to show you more from this outdoor newborn session. Bring me ALL the babies!

:: Mo

Huntsville Outdoor Newborn PhotographerHuntsville Outdoor Newborn PhotographerHuntsville Outdoor Newborn Photographer

To book your newborn session reach out to me here.

It’s time to book your fall family session! I know it’s the middle of summer, but I will have only a limited amount of family sessions this year. Be sure to book yours before they’re gone!

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Bosworth Family | Huntsville Family Photographer

I don’t think there is anything more flattering for a photographer than to be hired by a fellow photographer. Am I right photogs? Nothing. You can imagine my surprise and excitement when Brittany of Brittany Bosworth Photography asked me to photograph her family. She decided to take her family portraits in the spring because a photographers busy season tends to be in the fall. Either that or she read my article “Why you should take your holiday portraits in the spring, not the fall.“. It’s an insightful read, I suggest you click on over to read it.

I was excited to get to know her family and let me tell you, this family has more personality than most. The facial expressions, the laughter, the love! It was oh so much fun! We walked through out downtown Huntsville, took our time and explored. Her children were so funny and kind.

Now does anyone else look at Brittany and feel like they’re looking at Kate Middleton?! I mean wow, talk about doppelgänger!

Thank you so much to Brittany and your family. It was my honor to photograph your amazing family!

:: Molly
Huntsville family photographyHuntsville family photographyHuntsville family photographyHuntsville family photographyHuntsville family photographyHuntsville family photographyHuntsville family photographyHuntsville family photographyHuntsville family photographyHuntsville family photography

To book your family session, reach out to me here!


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Annie Two Year Old Session | Huntsville Child Photographer

Prepared your heart and mind for a seriously adorable child. Okay?! Ready?

Annie’s mom reached out to me and inquired about a session for her as she was quickly approaching her second birthday. She expressed wanting to capture her daughter at two, but also she had a congenital hip issue and wanted to remember this time in their lives. I LOVE this so much. They wanted to document an impactful moment in their lives. It wasn’t easy and perfect, but it was a moment to remember and she wanted to make sure she captured it. Be still my photographers documentarian heart.

Huntsville Child and Family Photographer Huntsville Alabama

When I arrived at their home it was not only stunning, but also warm and so much fun! Annie was personable and fun! If you think for a second that she had any issue getting around, you’re wrong. That girl had figured out how to get around with that hip cast on faster than you would think. By the end, I was sweating! Ha! I loved this session so much and really just found new friends.

Huntsville Child and Family Photographer Huntsville AlabamaHuntsville Child and Family Photographer Huntsville AlabamaHuntsville Child and Family Photographer Huntsville AlabamaHuntsville Child and Family Photographer Huntsville Alabama

Annie is funny and sweet and her mom was just the same kind of lovely. I know that she will cherish this session and time in their lives. I am sure this time in their lives was not easy at all and I know that she walked this road with her daughter with grace and faith.

Huntsville Child and Family Photographer Huntsville AlabamaHuntsville Child and Family Photographer Huntsville AlabamaHuntsville Child and Family Photographer Huntsville Alabama

Happy second birthday, Annie. I’m glad we met.

:: Molly

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International Parent Coaching Headshot and Branding Session | Huntsville Branding Photographer

Starting a new business can be very intimidating. From the conception to the launch, there are so many things to do! I am so glad that when Libby started her business plan, she was sure to include a photography branding session! The photographs that you put out to the world represent your brand. That can be your product and/or YOU could be the brand. Brands who do not put out polished, professional images, tell their audience that they themselves are not professional. Think about those brands that you follow on social media or look at their websites. If they have images that appear to be taken with a cell phone, would you give them your money versus those who have images that you can just tell were taken by a professional?

Branding sessions are not invasive nor expensive. These sessions are perfect for small business ventures, like Libby’s, who hope to grow in years to come! If you are someone with a small business who needs to put your best self forward-consider a branding session. We get a nice variety of images to help with social media content, outfit changes are encouraged and we have a lot of fun during our sessions! It’s my job to understand your brand, capture images that will tell your story and make you feel comfortable in front of the camera.

If you would like to learn more about International Parent Coaching or Libby herself, visit her website here.

If you’re considering a branding session with me, you can learn more about them here.

:: Molly

Branding Photography Huntsville AlabamaBranding Photography Huntsville AlabamaBranding Photography Huntsville AlabamaBranding Photography Huntsville AlabamaBranding Photography Huntsville AlabamaBranding Photography Huntsville Alabama

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Mo Jones Photography