

I'm glad you're here

I'm Molly "Mo" Jones, the photographer. Whether you're looking for your next photographer or just passing through, I hope you like what you see! My photography is my passion- I love the moments preserved. Enjoy yourself and if I can answer any questions, reach out to me!

6 Month Old Sitter Session | Huntsville Child and Family Photographer

When I tell people that I am a photographer, people will assume I’m a wedding photographer. I reply better yet, I’m a family photographer! They typically ask what my favorite session is to photograph. Recently I’ve said Fresh 48 sessions. Thanks to the pandemic, I haven’t shot those in a while. However, these days I have a VERY NEW FAVORITE session. Sitter sessions (or a 6 month session)! They’re so adorable, so much fun and this may be my favorite age. They’re still baby looking and adorable. They typically aren’t mobile yet and they smile at everything. UGH! So cute! Bring me all the sitters!

I know, you feel like you just had a newborn session like a second ago. This post is purely to show you WHY you need to rally and book a sitter session stat! I’m just going to show you my sweet friend, Ginny, and her super cool parents. If you look at this and aren’t convinced then we need to check you for a pulse.

Child and Family Photographer Huntsville AlabamaChild and Family Photographer Huntsville AlabamaChild and Family Photographer Huntsville Alabama

See? If you want to look back at Ginny’s incredible lifestyle newborn session, you can click here to go see all that dreamy goodness. If you are like me and saying look at those darling outfits!! Where did she get them? Locally at Ana Banana in Hampton Cove. If you haven’t gone in there yet, you need to. Tell the amazing owner, Lisa, I sent you!

Are you ready to book your session? Contact me here!

~ Molly

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Ashlyn Maternity Sneak Peek | Huntsville Maternity Photographer

When I post a sneak peek I pull a few images, edit, and post. Simple enough. Except for this session. When I was pulling, editing and posting I found myself continuing to edit far more photographs than what I needed for this post. It is that amazing of a session! I just couldn’t stop myself from editing more! Ashlyn is such a classic beauty that only comes naturally. She was incredibly sweet and did an amazing job at her session despite the heat and humidity. Her husband was hilarious, kind and the way he looked at her! Y’all made my own heart swoon! I really enjoyed meeting and spending time with them and I can’t wait to meet and photograph their baby soon!

:: MollyHuntsville Maternity PhotographerHuntsville Maternity PhotographerHuntsville Maternity Photographer

Are you expecting soon? Please check out my other maternity sessions and my newborn portfolio. Then you can reach out to me here about booking your own session.

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Alicia & Baby | Huntsville Maternity Photographer

Maternity Photographer Huntsville AlabamaI had been emailing and texting with Alicia for a few months before her maternity session. So by the time we met, I felt like I was meeting an old friend! When I have a client, particularly a client who has hired me for a maternity and then a fresh 48 or newborn session, like Alicia did, I want to know them. Not know them on the surface, but really get to know them. I need them to feel comfortable with me during our sessions. I am walking into their lives and documenting an exciting, but also unknown and extremely intimate time in their lives. I hope to help them feel confident and trusting of my intentions and abilities. This maternity session was just the start of that beautiful journey together. I can’t wait to meet their baby in a few weeks! We found out that we are both in the ‘do not find out the gender’ camp. I didn’t find out the gender of my four children before they were born and Alicia is the same. Did you find out?! I didn’t think it was hard to not know. Even for my type A personality! Crazy.

Maternity Photographer Huntsville AlabamaMaternity Photographer Huntsville AlabamaMaternity Photographer Huntsville AlabamaMaternity Photographer Huntsville AlabamaMaternity Photographer Huntsville AlabamaMaternity Photographer Huntsville AlabamaMaternity Photographer Huntsville AlabamaMaternity Photographer Huntsville AlabamaMaternity Photographer Huntsville AlabamaMaternity Photographer Huntsville Alabama

Best wishes to the Clark family! I can’t wait to photograph your baby as he/she grows!

~ Molly

If you would like pricing information please head over to my investment page! If you’re ready to book your maternity, fresh 48 or newborn session, reach out to me here!

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Introducing Ginny | Huntsville Newborn Photographer

This family is incredible. They are impressively smart as they are beautiful, easy going, impeccable taste in decor and just plain nice. From the second I walked into their home for the first time, you’d think we had known each other forever. Just that nice. In my experience, easy going parents typically equals easy going baby. In this particular case it was absolutely true. The nicest most laid back baby ever!

I had so many favorites from this session. I did a sneak peek months ago for this session because I was that excited to start editing it. Now, I’m about to go out and photograph this sweet baby for her 6 month sitter session. I can’t believe how fast it’s going! This family booked a newborn session, a 6 month sitter session, and a one year old session. It makes it that much more special that I get to watch Ginny grow throughout the year! I’ll stop gushing and just show you a few more from their lifestyle newborn session.

Are you considering a newborn session or maybe a sitter session? Now is the time to book as I only have a handful of spots remaining for the remainder of the year! Contact me here to book your session.

~ Molly

Huntsville Newborn PhotographerHuntsville Newborn PhotographerHuntsville Newborn PhotographerHuntsville Newborn PhotographerHuntsville Newborn PhotographerHuntsville Newborn PhotographerHuntsville Newborn PhotographerHuntsville Newborn PhotographerHuntsville Newborn PhotographerHuntsville Newborn PhotographerHuntsville Newborn Photographer

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Cameron Sneak Peek | Newborn Photographer Madison Alabama

I loved this newborn lifestyle session so much. The family was kind and I feel as though I’d just made some new friends. That baby y’all. Swoon worthy! I am so excited to show you more from this session soon.

:: Molly

Huntsville and Madison Newborn Photographer AlabamaHuntsville and Madison Newborn Photographer AlabamaHuntsville and Madison Newborn Photographer Alabama

Are you expecting? You can review my maternity, fresh 48 and lifestyle newborn portfolio. Then be sure to reach out to book your sessions!

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Mo Jones Photography