

I'm glad you're here

I'm Molly "Mo" Jones, the photographer. Whether you're looking for your next photographer or just passing through, I hope you like what you see! My photography is my passion- I love the moments preserved. Enjoy yourself and if I can answer any questions, reach out to me!

What is a Milestone Package and Is It Right for you? | First Birthday Photographer Huntsville

What exactly is a milestone package, do I offer one, and is it right for you? Okay, I’m a visual learner so we will walk through it visually to SHOW you, then we will discuss further below.

Newborn session

Newborn Photography Huntsville AlabamaHuntsville Newborn Photographer

Sitter Session (6 months)

Child and Family Photographer Huntsville AlabamaChild and Family Photographer Huntsville AlabamaChild and Family Photographer Huntsville Alabama

First birthday session

First Birthday Photographer HuntsvilleFirst Birthday Photographer HuntsvilleFirst Birthday Photographer HuntsvilleFirst Birthday Photographer Huntsville

I think you likely have a clear picture of a milestone package. And yes, if you said what a cutie, she absolutely is! Yes, I am happy to let you know that I do offer a milestone package! A milestone package is 3-4 sessions with me during the first year of your child’s life. I really love getting to know families while photographing their sweet baby during one of the most formative times in their life! With this package you could include your maternity, newborn, sitter session and first birthday session. Each of these sessions are discounted with this package and includes a print credit. This first year of life is such a sweet time. It’s hard, but something every parent looks back on and feels like it went by so fast. I highly recommend that you document it!

If you are expecting and you’re interested in more information about ala carte session or a milestone session package, reach out to me here!

I look forward to photographing your growing family!


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Sweet Merit | Huntsville Newborn and Maternity Photographer

I am totally loving all the really amazing baby names of my clients! They’re so unique! I met sweet Merit’s parents at their beautiful home on a cold and rainy day. It is my goal to create natural looking lighting with my lighting system. Yes, I basically bring the studio to your home! This way clients don’t have to worry about rescheduling their newborn session due to it being a dark and rainy day. Y’all be sure to look at that nursery! Merit’s parents loved to travel and that passion was reflected in their home and the incredible nursery! The use of souvenirs from their trip was incorporated in to the nursery and throughout their home. I spent time just walking through looking at the amazing items they have collected from all over the world! They were making plans to take Merit on her first trip very soon!

:: Molly

Huntsville Newborn and Maternity PhotographerHuntsville Newborn and Maternity PhotographerHuntsville Newborn and Maternity PhotographerHuntsville Newborn and Maternity PhotographerHuntsville Newborn and Maternity PhotographerHuntsville Newborn and Maternity PhotographerHuntsville Newborn and Maternity PhotographerHuntsville Newborn and Maternity Photographer

Special thank you to Merit and her family! I can’t wait to see her grow!

:: Molly

If you are expecting in 2022, now is the time to schedule your newborn session. I only book a few newborn clients each month, so don’t hesitate! Click here for more information about my sessions.

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Introducing Libba | Huntsville Newborn Photographer

I absolutely loved this recent newborn session! This family was so sweet and they had the cutest house in Downtown Huntsville! I was thrilled to photograph their daughter, Libba with her two canine siblings! What I loved about this session is that I was able to capture their family in a lifestyle setting, but also able to do individual photographs of Libba, on a beanbag that resembles those that you would get if you took the baby to a photography studio. I just bring the entire studio to you! Libba is so loved and I really enjoyed being able to photograph this new family of three!


Huntsville Newborn PhotographerHuntsville Newborn PhotographerHuntsville Newborn PhotographerHuntsville Newborn PhotographerHuntsville Newborn PhotographerHuntsville Newborn PhotographerHuntsville Newborn PhotographerHuntsville Newborn PhotographerHuntsville Newborn PhotographerHuntsville Newborn Photographer

Are you expecting in 2022? Now is the time to book your in home newborn session! With an in home newborn session, I photograph your family in a lifestyle style, but I also bring in a beanbag and wrap your newborn as if you were in a studio, but you never have to leave the house! Best of both worlds! Click here to get more information about a newborn session!

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Branden and Taylor Engaged! | Huntsville Family Photographer

Oh my, this session took quite the exciting turn! A few months ago, Taylor reached out wanting a couples session for her and her boyfriend. They had adopted an adorable Golden named Holden and recently bought a house together. She wanted to document this sweet moment in their life as a couple. Fast forward to a few weeks before the session, Branden emails me telling me he is going to propose to Taylor during the session. I was SO excited! We talked through a few things and set the stage.

I told Branden that he needed to propose first thing so that we could do engagement portraits during the session. He went down to his knee first thing and Taylor was shocked.  I was so nervous I could feel my heartbeat in my ears!  She didn’t have any idea that this was going to happen. Oh it was so sweet! I just loved being a part of documenting this incredible moment in their lives!  Scroll on down to watch the event, then stay around for a few of the romantic engagement portraits and that ring!  GAH!  He did so well!

I just love love. It’s the greatest! Congratulations to the sweet couple!

:: Molly

Huntsville Family PhotographerHuntsville Family PhotographerHuntsville Family PhotographerHuntsville Family PhotographerHuntsville Family PhotographerHuntsville Family PhotographerHuntsville Family PhotographerHuntsville Family PhotographerHuntsville Family Photographer

Huntsville Family Photographer

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Nora and Family | Huntsville Family and Child Photographer

It’s the end of 2021 and I just totaled up my year. This year I photographed 17 families! PHEW! That doesn’t count my maternity, newborn and branding clients! I honestly think that people had spent more than enough time in quarantine that they were ready to get back to it! I was too and so happy to photograph Nora and her family. You all pace yourself as you go through this session with me. There is a whole lot of cuteness to process. Y’all the socks. They couldn’t be cuter! I just had to photograph that little detail! I just loved her outfit so much!
Family Photographer Huntsville Alabama
Family Photographer Huntsville AlabamaFamily Photographer Huntsville Alabama I love this image so much. She started off a little quiet and not really wanting to show me her true personality. Then towards the end of the session – BOOM – she went all out, running and giving the best hugs to her parents. She was adorable! Family Photographer Huntsville AlabamaFamily Photographer Huntsville AlabamaEvery kid in the history of kids will do this if you ask them to hold their parents hands. Y’all zoom in on her face- pure concentration and strength! Family Photographer Huntsville Alabama

Thank you so much to Nora and her amazing parents! I can’t wait to see Nora grown in 2022! If you’re considering a family session with me in 2022, don’t hesitate to book your date! I have clients booking their fall sessions for next year already! Gah! Y’all this is going to be one great year!

:: Molly

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Mo Jones Photography